Sunday 26 February 2012

Sick Sundays

Yesterday we stayed home from church as both the girls were snotty and coughy.

But lucky there was a Doctor in the house ......and some chocolate cake!

Poor little Ocea hurt her nose the day before

Sunday 14 August 2011

The Big Op!

On Friday the 12th our beautiful little girl  Harper went into Westmead childrens hospital at 7am with no idea of what was about to happen to her, happily playing with all the toys and other kids in the waiting room.

I on the other hand was fully aware of what was happening and spent the night before and morning of feeling anxious and sick.
Rudi had organised the day off of work so he could be around and take Ocea to Pre-school and meet me in there.

Haper and I arrived at Westmead at 7am she was admitted and then we waited until a Nurse came and got us, asked us a bunch of questions, and then told us the anethsitist and doctor would come and talk to us soon. They came in pretty quickly and told me what was going to happen, and let me know that I was going to be able to go in the room when Harper was put to sleep for surgery.
Pretty much as soon as they left the nurse was back in to put a gown and cap on me and then to take Harps in :(. It's hard to explain the feelings that you have as your walking your just turned one year old to be put under a general anaesthetic.
We got to the room where there was a little bed waiting for her, the surgeon came in and explained that he was going to be taking an extra bone out of Harpers thumb which had formed, stitching the bone together, putting a wire in and fixing the ligaments, to then put a cast on for five weeks and remove the wire then too, While he was explaining this, I couldn't help but get teary. I then laid my little girl down and the anethitist put the mask on her and she slowly fell asleep. This was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. i walked out feeling a little silly for being so upset as I know what Harper was having done was so minor in comparison to what other little kids get done. The Nurses were lovely, and chatted to me and tried to reassure me that all would be ok.

While in the Surgery waiting room, Rudi arrived. Harper was in Surgery for an hour and a half and came out awake, which was so sad she was sooooooo upset and beside herself I had never seen her like this before and gave the anethitist holding her a big hit on the head with her cast. I quickly held her and tried to calm her down, it was like she was awake but not, it was weird and scary. She knocked the lid off her lttle needle tubey thingy?? off twice and there was blood everywhere, the poor little girl didn't settle for about half an hour and then once she did, she slept for about and hour.
When she woke up later she was a lot happier, which I was grateful for. because this kid seriously never cries! so it was heart breaking.
Rudi and I kept commenting on how it totally didn't look like her. I even had to check her tags just to double check it was her!! she just looked bigger everywhere, especially her face!

When we were able to leave and got home Harper didn't have a care in the world. It was like she had no idea of the traumatic (for me anyway) situation she had just gone through!! She was crawling around on the ground banging her little 'Bommy Knocker every where on our hard wood floors!

This little girl is one tough cookie!!

Before  the op at 1 week old

Night before

Our poor little girl after Surgery not looking herself :(

Our Happy girl the next day with her new 'weapon'!

Sunday 7 August 2011


It's official, my baby girl is one!!!! This year has gone too fast for my liking!

This past year has been filled with sweetness!

Harper you have the sweetest little personality and have been that way since you were born.
You give the most beautiful kisses
You crawl absolutely every where as fast as you can and have no desire to even try walking, you'll pull yourself up on things and walk around them but thats about it.
You give high fives and have been for about 7 months.
I'm you're favourite in the family, and I love it! you still get excited though when your daddy comes home from work  and greet him with a lot of baby talk.
You wear 00 - 0 clothing, some things you still wear are 000 you're my petite baby!
You love your food, especially the sweet stuff!
You're favourite word is 'Ba' and you use it for everything, You also say mummum, dadadad and bye bye while waving.
You like to act like an Indian and bat your mouth!
You love being outside in the little red car or playing on the trampoline
You love the park and the swings 
Your such a happy girl and hardly ever cry
You are so smiley and love to laugh which we all love!
You love to play with your sister in her room especially on her Dora piano.
As soon as you hear clapping you stop what your doing and start clapping, and think that you are so very clever.
You are an awesome sleeper and will sleep from 6.30pm - 6.30am have a feed go back to sleep and then wake at about 8!! although you haven't always been this way and from about 6 - 10 months it was horrible and you were waking all. the. time!
Your sister is so proud of you and often when we are out she will introduce you to strangers, she also gets excited when you do something new, and you love it.
You love to laugh and squeal with your sister
You love hanging upsidedown, being tickled, and being rasberried!
You have 4 teeth the two top front and the two bottom front. The top two have a big gap and I love them.
You love to play with my eyelashes and i even caught you playing with your own while looking at them in the mirror!
You love, love love your baths and always have! but you hate, hate hate getting dressed and love to squirm away from me and just crawl around with no nappy!
You are so loved and we are so glad you are part of our family! You bring us so much happiness!!!

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Excuses, Excuses.....

I'm running out of these to keep me home from here!

First I had just had a baby, so there was nooooo way I could work out, then I just couldn't find the time, then everyone  was sick, after that my baby was waking up 10 million times a night! but now that my baby is sleeping from 6.30 'til 6 yes you read right! through the night! and then goes back to sleep at 6 'til 8 - I'm a lucky mamma! I have run out of excuses to tell myself!

 Every Sunday night I say to myself, 'this is the week I'm going to try and get back into to shape' then it just never happens. but I just got so sick of never going through with this particular promise with myself. So this week I was determined to make it happen and try and make it a habit! I'm 2 days down. YAY!! So yesterday morning before the crack or dawn I was not only up, but I was up and at the gym working out! and this morning I was down there doing the same thing again. even though Ocea was up during the night sick - No excuses remember!

6am seems to be the only time that works out and I have to admit once I'm up it is a great start to my day! So I've dusted off my running shoes and committed..... now I just need this habit to stick!

Thursday 23 June 2011

Birthday Boy

It's this boys birthday today!

(Old photo can't find the cord to upload a new one, so I thought a old birthday photo is better than none at all!)

Love him lots!

Wednesday 22 June 2011

New addiction

Have you ever been trawling through blogs and seen an awesome tutorial that you love or a cool thing to do with the kids, recipes, idea for the house, places you want to visit, craft ideas, the list goes on right??
Well I have recently discovered with help of some facebook friends.....

It is so cool, it basically is a network of people who all have 'pin boards'. and when you find a cool idea, or recipes etc, you pin it on your pin board for later and can share your ideas with everybody else. I've found lots of inspiration from friends pin boards and have re-pinned them on mine. I'm not very good at explaining so you'll have to look for yourself!

Start Over...

So can I have a do over and start again?? I'm not very good at keeping up with this whole blogging business! I've just been busy, or maybe just not organising my time very well.... but I'm back, and I'm going to try and do better! (I sound convincing right!?)

This last month has been full of colds, vomiting, more colds, getting teeth and more vomiting, so it has been fun, fun, fun! But in between all this sickness we have been to free Dora concerts, gone on car rides in the 'rumble rumble' car, making bears with Aunties and Uncles, gone to school fetes, played with cousins, had a broken heater, dressed up like Michelin men, got gas connected and got a new heater, yay! And a whole lot more. (it's hard to remember all the stuff from a month ago!)

So I'll just write about what we did on Saturday!
Rudi went motorbike riding with one of his brothers and some friends at one of his mates tracks. This place is amazing. While the boys ride, there is stacks of stuff for the kids to play on. So we headed down a little later than Rudi and met him there.
 Ocea was in heaven. There's Timber Town, pretend boats to drive, a swing set, volleyball net and court, an outdoor bowling alley, and old truck to drive and play in and on, a mini rugby field, needless to say we had so much fun!

Watching their Dads trying not to hurt themselves do massive jumps!